About NAOS

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About Us
Our Values
Our Team
Our History

Who We Are

With an internationally oriented “industrial” and “engineering” culture, we are advancing our development in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia through our adaptability, flexibility, and understanding of both regional and international challenges.

Our Vision

At NAOS International, our evolution and growth are attributed to our deeply ingrained values: Authenticity, Agility, Excellence, and Engagement. Shared within our team, these values guide our daily interactions.

By placing the well-being of our employees on par with that of our partners, we cherish every connection established with our counterparts. Every day, they positively influence our exchanges with clients and talents, reinforcing our commitment to exceptional collective performance.

Our strength lies in our diversity, comprehensive market understanding, resilience, tolerance, and mutual respect.

Our Mission

Our mission is twofold: supporting talents in their professional transition daily while meeting the expectations of clients seeking more than just a key competence within their organization. In a perpetually evolving job search context, we continuously adapt.

At NAOS International, we are committed partners in the key moments of your life. We prioritize creating a trusting atmosphere conducive to a deep understanding of aspirations, values, unique skills, and individual needs.

By facilitating transitions to positions in France or abroad, we recognize that this sometimes impacts entire families, initiating a new chapter of life. Our mission transcends professional boundaries; it directly impacts the lives and dreams of those we have the privilege to serve.

We assist our clients in expanding into high-growth markets in France and internationally. This involves identifying, recruiting, integrating, and coaching the best talents for strategic and specialized positions within their organizations.

We provide personalized, confidential, and strategic services tailored to the specific needs of each of our clients in a competitive job market. Unified in our mission, we select talents that best align with the culture, values, and specific needs of the companies we work with. This approach aims to ensure your prosperity and competitiveness in an ever-changing world.

By combining empathy and entrepreneurial vision, we commit to creating harmony between a deep understanding of your human needs and the continuous growth of our clients. We firmly believe that the alliance of these two aspects is the key to establishing strong and lasting relationships, where the success of your business and the well-being of your employees converge toward local and international development.

Our Values


At NAOS International, we cultivate an environment where mutual trust prevails, allowing our team members to be authentic and aligned with their values and convictions without fear of judgment. We celebrate cultural diversity and advocate for transparency, honesty, and consistency between words and actions. We do what we say and say what we do. This commitment to transparency and integrity guides our internal and external relationships, reinforcing our culture of authenticity and mutual trust.


At NAOS International, we cultivate an environment where mutual trust prevails, allowing our team members to be authentic and aligned with their values and convictions without fear of judgment. We celebrate cultural diversity and advocate for transparency, honesty, and consistency between words and actions. We do what we say and say what we do. This commitment to transparency and integrity guides our internal and external relationships, reinforcing our culture of authenticity and mutual trust.


At NAOS International, our commitment to clients and talents is based on our relentless pursuit of the highest standards in quality and performance. We inspire our team members to reach their full potential by promoting a level of excellence characterized by exemplary professionalism, commitment, and responsibility. We value a continuous process of learning and improvement, fueled by innovation. Our vision extends beyond conventional boundaries to deliver ever more fitting and innovative solutions, meeting the changing demands of the market.


At NAOS International, our team embodies dynamism, passion, and commitment. United by a shared vision and mission, we foster a strong sense of belonging to the company. Driven by intrinsic motivation, we are determined to deliver high-performing solutions even in the most complex HR contexts, actively and positively supporting our clients. We create a trusting environment where each team member is valued, listened to, and respected. This atmosphere encourages personal involvement and strengthens our collective motivation to achieve excellence in every initiative we undertake.

Meet Our Team

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer

Our History

  • 2008

    First NAOS Office - Opens in Paris

  • 2009

    Expansion to the Middle East with opening of Dubai office

  • 2013

    Launching into Asia with an office in Singapore

  • 2014

    Expanding our footprint in Hong Kong, Indonesia & High-Growth Markets

  • 2016

    Global Team Strength:
    30 employees

  • 2017

    Further growth in Asia with a new office in Kuala Lumpur

  • 2018

    Celebrating 10 years of NAOS

  • 2023

    We have placed candidates in more than 40 countries, showcasing our ability to tackle global challenges.

What You Need To Know About Our Company

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Align Costs With Strategy And Focus On Growth

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